December 2022 Saw an Eye-Opening Domain Name Sale

Most domain names sell for a few pounds in the UK or a few dollars in the US. As you’d imagine, similar affordable amounts are typically paid in many other parts of the world as well.

Occasionally, though, something eye-opening pops up. Just such a sale cropped up not long before Christmas, as someone paid a cool $35,000 to purchase FTP dot org.

Does it mean what you think it means?

If you’re familiar with domain names, online protocols, and similar topics, we bet your brain just popped up with file transfer protocol. That’s the usual meaning of the FTP abbreviation, and most of the results on the first page of Google confirm the meaning and explanation for FTP.

Indeed, this could be the reason why the domain name proved to be so expensive. It was the priciest sale that week with Sedo. So, what makes it so eye-opening in this case, given its connection to file transfer protocol?

Five figures for a domain set to shock

As it turns out, it was purchased by the people behind F*ck the Population. They’ve already put their new domain name purchase to use, as it now takes you to the full URL for the longer domain name including the F word. What’s not immediately apparent is what is to come from that domain. There is a basic, yet striking, design on the site, along with access to a shop, although that seems to be closed at present. It’s very early stages there then, but with $35k spent on the purchase of that domain name, we guess it’s only a matter of time before the site is fully available.

Some research reveals that it could be a clothing brand. If so, they’re clearly looking to catch attention, and they’ve certainly done so in the realm of domain names with that purchase.

None of the other domain name sales via Sedo got close to the amount paid for that domain name that same week. The next priciest one was for $10,000 – paid for, which has been put into action pointing visitors towards, seller of wireless audio gear.

Could this be the most surprising use for a forwarding domain yet?

We think a lot of people might get a surprise if they’re looking for information on file transfer protocols, follow the domain named here, and find themselves looking at clothing instead. It’s an interesting purchase for sure, and one wonders whether it will prove a smart one. It’s sure to drive more traffic to the main site – and it’s easier to say than the full name, especially if you’re in a situation where swearing would be frowned upon. But we cannot help but think some people might still get a surprise.

We can say one thing with confidence though. It goes to show there is still some creativity and versatility going on in the world of domain names, even today. We’ll watch for any other surprises, but it could be a while before we get another one like this.