
  1. Terms and Conditions Contents:
  2. General information
  3. Information about site content
  4. Trade names, marks and the use of logos
  5. External links
  6. Information to be found on this website
  7. Inappropriate material
  8. Guarantees
  9. Disclaimer
  10. How you can use this site
  11. Other general information

1. General information

All the information provided in this document is provided under the terms and conditions you will find as laid out in the pages of this document. It also applies to the privacy policy which you will find elsewhere on this site. All information is provided by the owners of the site and all affiliates who may have been involved in the creation of the site.

2. Information about site content

We can take no degree of responsibility for the information on the site with regard to how accurate or reliable it may be. This applies in whole and in part. We take measures to update and review any and all material as and when required or necessary, but the visitor to the site must assume all responsibility for checking how accurate all information is before they act on it.

All the information found in the website in all parts should be assumed to be for informational purposes only. We cannot assume any degree of responsibility for errors or omissions that could occur here. You are most welcome to contact us if you should find any errors or omitted information on any section or part of the site, but once again we stress that you are responsible for making such checks as are necessary before acting on information. It is your responsibility to contact us if required or needed.

3. Trade names, marks and the use of logos

Any and all trade marks, names and logos are not to be used unless you first get proper written permission to do so. This applies to all such names and marks existing anywhere on our website.

4. External links

All external links you will find on this site are supplied as you find them. We cannot guarantee the reputation of the sites that they lead to. We should point out that we are not responsible for the sites or content in any way. You should not infer that we are responsible simply because such a link exists. You should also be aware that the terms and conditions you are reading now and the other official documents on this website apply only to this website and not to any others. We cannot be held responsible to any degree for any issues or problems you experience as a consequence of leaving this site through any link to another one.

In addition we would ask that you request permission before linking back to our website from any other one.

5. Information to be found on this website

External users may be able to post their own information and views on certain sections of this website, for example in a forum. Should this occur we are not to be held responsible for such comments or information as provided by others.

No material added to our website in these sections by other people is looked at or approved by us prior to its publication. However with that said we do review the material regularly and should we come across anything that is defamatory, illegal or abusive in any way, we shall instantly remove it. We are not required to give notice before we do so, regardless of who posted the material in the first place.

The following types of material shall also be removed when found:

a) Material that could be damaging to this or any other website
b) Material that is illegal in any jurisdiction or location in the world
c) Material that is promotional and/or advertising a product or service in any way
d) Material that is in contravention of one or more laws created to protect the professional and/or personal rights and/or property of one or more people

6. Inappropriate material

Your use of this website constitutes your agreement to adhere to these rules at all times. You shall not post any type of material that contravenes the rules as laid down above. You shall further agree not to post material that could abuse or offend other people. The site owners cannot be held responsible for any negative events or occurrences that may happen as a consequence of such material being posted by other people.

7. Guarantees

All guarantees and/or similar statements regarding information of any kind to be found on this site shall be provided as is. You agree that the owners of the site cannot be held responsible in any way for any events or actions that occur of a negative nature regarding this.

8. Disclaimer

No responsibility can be accepted by the owner of this website for any losses or damages, direct or indirect, of any nature or form at all, whether to a business or person or other entity, that could be deemed to occur from information that is found on this website. In addition to this we shall take no responsibility for any detrimental effects or events that occur to people or businesses or corporations or any other kind of entity as a consequence of using any form of information on this website. We provide all the information found here on an as is basis, and there is no liability to be held or accepted by us for such information. Everything is checked and verified and updated when necessary, but the user of the website is ultimately responsible for checking everything before they decide to act on it in any way.

9. How you can use this site

We, as the owners of this website, cannot make any claim or testify to the suitability or usability of the material on this website in any jurisdiction, country or area of the world. You as the user of the website are solely and completely responsible for ensuring that the information you intend to use is going to be accurate and reliable for the area of the world you live in, and it shall not break any laws.

10. Other general information

All terms and conditions in this document are given on an as is basis. Any previous terms and conditions should now be assumed to be defunct and having been replaced by this current document. They exist between the owner of the website and all users.

a) We as the owners of this website reserve all our rights to change, alter or modify any or all content within the terms and conditions and also in the privacy policy. This may be done whenever it is deemed necessary to do so and without any degree of notice needing to be given first.

b) On occasion it may be the case that there is a separate set of terms and conditions relating to one part of the website, where this set applies to the whole website in general. Should this occur you should assume that the terms and conditions used for that particular area of the website are in force and supersede these ones.

c) No changes shall be made to the terms and conditions in any sense in order to appeal to one or more people or other parties, way or form unless a document exists in writing that expresses that such a change should be made.

d) The owners of this website may transfer all their rights to the site to a third party at any time without notice.

e) You should assume that any or all parts of these terms and conditions shall be separated from each other at any time. In addition if one or more parts of the terms and conditions are found at any point to be against the law or they cannot be enforced in any way, they should be assumed never to have been written in the first place.

f) This site can be accessed by anyone in the world. However it is intended that the terms and conditions are written with accordance and agreement to the laws in place in the United Kingdom. The laws of the United Kingdom shall be assumed to be in place should any questions or issues of any kind arise at any point. As a user of this website you agree that this shall be the case at all times.

g) Any and all questions, comments, queries and other contact can always be made to the website owners. Please contact us with any queries or questions you may have regarding any aspect of the privacy policy or the terms and conditions. You may also get in touch if you have any questions about any other aspects of the website. The relevant details can be found elsewhere.